I got myself a new cookbook yesterday, (yay, Rhubarb, think Spring!) so I thought it would be a good time to feature Bryant’s valance project, which I use to display the books. There are 2 in our kitchen. They look nice, add character, and provide convenient storage. They also stop me from acquiring too many cookbooks because I’ve made it a rule to only keep what fits. And Bry likes an occasional project to work on, as long as he doesn’t have to paint. One tip about the paint- be sure to let it cure before putting the books up. Even when the paint feels dry, it will end up sticking to the books if it’s not really thoroughly dry. Learned that the hard way.
This shelf valance idea was really cute in Hillary’s room when she was a baby. We could change out the books as she got older.
Bookshelf window valance
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