Well, this day isn’t as filled with naturalization accomplishments. I did, however, get the application filed at the tax office. That will get me my Swedish personnumer which is basically the ticket to everything. I also got the green-light to open a bank account – the visit yesterday was just to fill out the forms for the background check.
What was interesting is that we have a lot of wind today in Skåne – like 55mph gusts. So, it’s very blustery. The fun fact is that my hotel is right next to a construction site with one of those really tall, spindly cranes on it. That crane seems to be shut down, because that f*#%er is swaying in the wind like crazy. Super-hoping that, if it topples over, it doesn’t land on me!
Also interesting was the travel ban from EU countries to the US (but not the UK where there’s 400 confirmed cases). Not just because the reason given was literally the opposite of the truth (but that is par for this course – accusing others of his own failures), but also because it made it really complicated for me to get a flight home for some time to help out with getting the house on the market. All said and done, I have a flight booked for a week in April, and we’ll see how it holds up. I think it’s hilarious that the ban doesn’t apply to US citizens – as if that is somehow immunity to getting sick?
Finally, I’m not sure I’m clear on how they view bikes here. It seems like a lot of practical, sturdy bikes used all the time for all sorts of basic things – like shopping, getting to work, etc. – but surely I’m wrong. A car-centric society is better, right? That’s why we have that in the US, right? The first pic is in front of the grocery store …

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