The kids and I went on a canoe camping trip this weekend with the Gouldeks. We went to Lake Immeln in Skåne. See the red pin here:

We got there on Friday afternoon, but had a mix-up with communications with the outfitter, who thought we would be there at 11:00, when we got there at 15:30. In the end, it was OK, and we had boats, PFDs, paddles, and a fire pan (since lots of areas really discourage ground fires). We also had to get some firewood. That turned out to be a bit interesting as I needed to run to an ICA to get it, and nobody there spoke english. So, I had to figure it out (but I did), and the woman at the check out just took me in, much to the chagrin of all the elder Swedes standing in line already! In any case, we were off!
We found a nice island with good sites for tents and hammock!
On our middle day, we did some exploration of neighboring islands, but it was really windy and we had some hard paddling to get around and back to camp! I did not take any pictures of that – I was too busy!
And, of course, the day we left was calm, sunny, and pleasant. Why is it always like that?
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