One of the biggest reasons to buy an apartment in Lund was that most rentals do not allow animals, and the youngest Noice has been wanting a cat. So now that we are settled in our own place, 6 month old Katara aka Nori, joined the family on Feb 28. After careful consideration and much debate, “Nori” is the name that stuck, and it fits her well. She’s still a bit shy but quite playful and curious. She loves to perch on the staircase in the kitchen to watch the goings-on. She’ll be kitten-like for a long time yet and will not be considered full grown until age 5 or so, when she’ll weigh around 12 pounds. She is mostly fluff!

We try to have at least one of us home with Nori as she adjusts to life without her feline family. Siberians are especially sociable and do not like to be alone. Luckily the kids have been home a bit more than usual this week and I was able to continue my own busy social life without too much trouble. It was nice to go to Malmö for Bagels and Banksy with Erin and Melissa after several days spent home recovering from the Vinterkräksjuk/ stomach virus, which only Bryant managed to dodge. It was rough…really, really bad, but short-lived thank goodness!

Other recent activities included American International Club Pie night in Flyinge, a couple of birthday fikas, Happy Hour in Purgatorio, cooking club baking -SouthAfrican rusks in Södra Sandby, spotting a cool, unidentified owl at the botanic garden, a performance by Mare Balticum at the history museum featuring prehistoric instrumentation and music from the middle ages through Renaissance, exploring Sankt Hans park trails, a guided tour of the Skissernas Sketch Museum and new chores such as pruning the rose bushes of Spolegatan and working on projects for the Food Co-operative.

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