It’s been a whole month since my last post! We celebrated the youngest’s 15th birthday and start of MYP 5, which is like 10th grade in the US (though she would have been starting 9th grade had we stayed in MN) She was placed according to birth year here in Sweden so she is year 08, if that helps clarify lol!!!

We went Tree Walking in Löddeköpinge, same as last year. The weather was nicer this time and I got in a terrific hike while the crew did all their courses.

I made several excursions with friends, attempted to see the big sommarlund televised concert at the cathedral but didn’t get there early enough, and scouted out all the garden plots only to discover that there were over 1500 people in the lottery for 14 spots 🙁

Back to School…

Then a long weekend in Oslo to meet up with Minnesota friends,(neighbors from our Oliver Ave days) as they accompanied their first born to orientation for a Norwegian Folk School where she’ll study for 10 months. We are proud to be her in loco parentis (especially the “loco” part haha) during her year abroad. She’ll be staying with us during school breaks and we will travel to Norway for family weekends etc. Anyway, Oslo was fantastic and I can hardly wait for our next trip to Norway!

Bryant’s birthday… we went for a nice lunch in the countryside at Anita’s and for a hike. Lots of mushrooms but never the ones that I know are edible! Another trip to Malmö and some of Nori’s moments.

I signed up for a sewing class in Malmö, near the train station. It turned out to be more of a studio class where you bring your own projects to work on. The group meets in a fancy, haute couture Dressmakers Academy. And the teacher doesn’t speak much English so the other participants helped out, but it might not be a great fit for me unless I get more ambitious. It is a very romantic setting though, and I could see going just for the ambience and inspiration. If we continue to get summer in September it will definitely be too hot for me since there is no AC in the vintage building!

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