The Minnesota Noices


Our era as an ISLK family has come to an end as the youngest completed the International Baccalaureate Middle Years with excellent marks, ready to enter the world of the Diploma Programme. She has a preliminary acceptance at Katedralskolan in Lund and looks forward to a nice summer break!

“Justice For Ukraine” was her art work on display. Students were invited for breakfast and then the ceremony with families (due to covid we didn’t do this with the oldest). There were lots of nice speeches, followed by the utspring/ running out of school on the last day (not quite like studenten graduation, since most kids go on to study 3 more years of what we call High School) and finally class photos and emotional goodbyes.

This end of school-year has been extremely busy for the youngest, with the Personal Projects being presented, the big school dance, and other special events such as the overnight camping trip to Hästveda. She might share some photos later. Below is her personal project, a sculpture made from upcycled bike parts, for which she learned soldering techniques, wrote, researched, reflected and revised per IB standards.

The dance was a much anticipated event and lots of fun for the 60 or so MYP 5 students.

The eldest Noiceling is off on a Discover EU adventure with 4 friends after their application for Free Inter rail was accepted. She will post about it later, hopefully! As I write she is on the train from Zurich to Hamburg and will arrive home tomorrow.

Andrea found these cool photo of our building in Lund, our apartment lower right, with people peeking out the open windows- 1953
and our building on Spolegatan prior to neighboring buildings, from the little park in front of the train station.

Bryant and I spent Sweden’s national day in Edinburgh, where we managed to work around Taylor Swift’s all encompassing presence by spending the night in nearby Stirling, thus avoiding the crowds and inflated prices (mostly) Sadly we didn’t get to feel the seismic activity, though everyone could feel the excitement! I think Swifties were a pretty good group to share the city with, all in all. Here’s a little preview of Scotland in case I don’t get back to it for awhile.



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One response to “Transitions”

  1. Melissa Avatar

    Congratulations to the youngest Noiceling! Beautiful photos of Edinburgh and cool pic of the ISLK stairs.

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