The Minnesota Noices

Nature Bathing in Bergen

L and me (Bryant) were inspired by Jen and H’s trip to Bergen to visit friends. It looked beautiful, and very hike-able, so I booked a little trip to spend some quality time in the mountains with my kid.

Bergen from Copenhagen is a short hour+ flight, where we rented a car and drove to an AirBnB in Jondal. That drive iteself is super picturesque! Here is an overview of where we were:

We were there for 3 days (excluding the travel days) and spent 2 of them hiking.

Our location in Jondal was very picturesque and had a great view:

First day, we hiked to Bondehus lake (you can see more about the trail on It started out in the rain a bit, but we persevered, even after realizing that we left the food bag on the dining table of our BnB! Doh! Here are some pictures from that hike:

Second day, we went to the other side of the Folgefonna glacier to Buar ( link). This was a much steeper and more rugged trail, including with some sections of via ferrata. But the views and the glacier were very worth it! We remembered to bring the food this time and had a nice hot lunch at the top of the hike. The hike UP was hard, but the hike DOWN was actually tougher on my old joints! But I managed with no sprains, and it was great to dip my feet in the freezing river after!

Third day, we were really tired and sore from 2 hard days of hiking and decided to relax. We just toured around and did a lovely sauna-fjord swim day, renting a slot from Heit saunas (more here). We saw some fun apple and cherry orchards around the fjord.

Last day, we flew back from Bergen, but had a moment to check out the Bryggen Museum in Bergen, which was very fun, especially the quirky and interesting rune sticks exhibit! We also had a fun lunch on the boardwalk on the Bergen harbor.

Definitely will go back for nature immersion again!




