The Minnesota Noices

Saint Paul, Solo

January flew by with a quick trip back to Minnesota. Though not a popular time to travel, the January trip offered a chance to fill prescriptions, restock some favorite products that we can’t easily get in Sweden, and catch up with friends and family. The kids were busy with the start of a new semester and Bryant full steam back to work so I went on my own this time around. I had planned to tackle a few projects at the Scheffer house but it was unexpectedly occupied by longer term guests. This visit was one of the most challenging of my transatlantic journeys. With bad weather in Amsterdam I was forced to spend the night near the airport and catch a flight the next morning. I did take a moment to appreciate the land of Miffy and Tony Chocolonely. Finding my way around in the airport was another challenge. The maps were not clearly labeled except for the names of hotels and…the morgue.

Delft tea set cafe seating! Schiphol Airport has quite a few fun and quirky aspects

I was getting an alert that my phone wouldn’t charge due to water in the connector, which meant I had to buy (yet another) expensive mag safe charger at the airport. Once that problem was solved, my flight rebooked, vouchers acquired, shuttle located and boarded, and hotel room secured, I settled in to enjoy “free” dinner and a decent night’s rest. The airline was fairly good about getting the many stranded travelers rebooked and taking care of us for the night, but my difficulties were not quite past as my luggage didn’t make it to MSP with me! It did arrive 2 days later, after I had wasted quite a bit of time shopping for replacements. Oh well. I made it to MSP.

Mary got cinnamon rolls for us from the Finnish Bistro! The black and white photo is of Swede Hollow from a Saint Paul historical collection.

With the Scheffer house occupied, I booked a bed and breakfast in Saint Paul, but closer to the St. Anthony Park area, with a sweet host named Mary. My parents drove up to visit and were charmed by Mary, her sister and a variety of neighbors who popped in during the week. Quilting is one of Mary’s passions, and I happened to be working on a couple of t-shirt quilts and looking to buy some supplies that are hard to find in Sweden, so quilting turned into a major theme. Between chats with Mary and my parents, I caught up with friends. Meanwhile my folks were entertained at Mary’s place.

Dinner with friends at WA Frost… so cozy.

Lunch at The Market at Malcolm Yards

The cold blast didn’t stop us from getting out a few times. A couple of college friends made the drive to Minneapolis for lunch at a new food hall. It turned out to be a great afternoon with plenty of delicious food choices for all, and the frigid temps did not stop us from enjoying ice cream.

An adorable SoZo & Lilary moment from our early parenthood days in Minneapolis.



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