The Minnesota Noices

Winter limbo

It’s not really Winter weather but certainly not Spring. And while the days are getting longer, it’s quite dreary, with an occasional sunny hour here and there to give us hope. But then the daily crush of bad news leaves us heavy hearted, so we look for distractions and new hobbies to distract and give us time to refuel for the resistance. We’re making an effort to get out of the house as often as possible and I challenge myself to notice different aspects and perspectives in the now familiar landmarks of Lund. Above is a view of the Cathedral towers from the south side of the remaining medieval ramparts that once protected Lund. The freshly renovated music pavilion with a glimpse of the play structures -child sized models of historic buildings from the 1907 Lunda Exhibition form an interesting composition.

I toured the cathedral again recently. With so much history to cover, I guess it’s not so surprising that every tour includes details that are new to me. The pros who lead the guided tours are archaeologists and historians with in-depth knowledge that does not pop up in your average internet search!

The oldest section of the cathedral, the crypt, sometimes serves as an art gallery as part of the church’s mission to remain relevant to a modern community. One recent work is the art glass window of blue and orange, facing east, blue representing Mary, orange for sun/light of the world.

We made an excursion to Copenhagen to visit the Museum of Natural History and the nature photography exhibit. The museum is worth a visit and the special photography exhibit was fantastic. The ticket includes entrance to the Botanical Garden’s Palm House and Butterfly House where the tropical vibe was a welcome respite. Afterwards we ate at a Mexican restaurant, Mæxico, which was authentic and satisfying. It was too chilly to enjoy wandering the streets so after a bit of struggle trying to find the correct train platform, we returned to Lund in time for the family to make their regular D & D game. The eldest Noiceling arrived home on Monday evening and life is good.



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