The Minnesota Noices

Minnehaha Park

A cooler than usual start to the day inspired a visit to the other side of the river where we hiked around reminiscing about our Minneapolis days and the many good times at Mpls Parks, lakes, and pools.

The self guided audio tour is a new feature, and we learned a lot of fun facts by scanning the code for many park highlights.

What a great morning! I noticed new works of art around the falls, including the statue at the end of the promenade of Gunnar Wennerberg. In Minnesota one is never far from a connection to Sweden. This snippet from Gunnar’s Wikipedia page made me laugh…I might have to see if any recordings exist of his poems set to *music***************

*************wikipedia burn, ouch!

Nice easy stroll down from the waterfall to a shallow wading area of the creek. I’ve never continued on to bridges 3,4 and 5 but that could be fun sometime. The cool morning turned hot & humid and we had to get back up the hill to where we parked. Also had a good look at the development of the old Ford plant on our way back to Cathedral Hill, where I’m living my best life with “scarcely a crumpled rose-leaf” and may we all be so blessed.







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