The Minnesota Noices

Category: Siberian Cat

  • Pets and Pysanky

    Pets and Pysanky

    I’ve been walking a friend’s dog this week*. Lulu lives just a 5 minute walk over the bridge to the other side of the train tracks. Walking with her has been a nice way to explore a part of Lund I don’t see as often. She spends more time sniffing than walking, however, and quite…

  • Impressions


    We are easing into Spring with variable weather and longer days. Nori is adjusting well, finding all the nooks and crannies our apartment offers with only minor disruptions and growing pains. She enjoys playing fetch, keep away and “the floor is lava”, traversing furniture with incredible dexterity, but she can usually be found napping on…

  • Nori, the Siberian Forest Cat

    Nori, the Siberian Forest Cat

    One of the biggest reasons to buy an apartment in Lund was that most rentals do not allow animals, and the youngest Noice has been wanting a cat. So now that we are settled in our own place, 6 month old Katara aka Nori, joined the family on Feb 28. After careful consideration and much…