Category: Lund
Laura in Lund
Last year I traveled to Spain for a visit with mi amiga, and this time she joined us in Lund with plans to spend some quality time exploring Copenhagen. But we decided that with wind and rain in the forecast we were better off staying closer to home. Then the weather turned out better than…
Easing into Autumn
The days are getting shorter and cooler but the fountains are still bubbling as we try to soak up the sun whenever possible. Sofia’s visit during her first break from her school in Sogndal, Norway, where she’s spending a gap year, was super fun! It felt like old times when the girls played together between…
Österlen Harvest
Ragnhild, one of the producers for the Co-op, invited LMK members to help with harvesting apples and pears at her orchards in Simrishamn. She needed a total of 2000 kilos of cider apples and offered the orchard visit with fika, lunch and as many pears as we wanted to take in exchange for help with…
Harvest Festival ’23
The food co-op LMK had a booth at this very popular event at Stadsparken where we set up some products for display, offered samples of honey and distributed information to recruit new members. The day began beautifully, but then we endured several hours of sporadic downpours with some wind and thunder. I ran home after…
Late Summer Recap…Oslo trip
It’s been a whole month since my last post! We celebrated the youngest’s 15th birthday and start of MYP 5, which is like 10th grade in the US (though she would have been starting 9th grade had we stayed in MN) She was placed according to birth year here in Sweden so she is year…
Augeson-Andersons in Lund
More on the Great Adventure where some Augesons (Åkessons) and Andersons (Anderssons) explored their Nordic roots, ate good food, strolled, hiked, toured, and caught up with one another… My parents’ visit flew by. Suddenly it’s August, Bry is back at work and Lily returns to school next week! Grandpa toured the schools and most major…
The Great Swedish Adventure
It took a lot of time and a few reminders from Anne of Green Gables (“It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will,”) but we finally convinced my folks to make the trek to visit us in Sweden! They still think Lund…
History Day
We had delightful weather for Lunds historiedag, a cross between a mini Renaissance Festival and a historical recreation club, spanning 1,000 years in the history of Scania. This year is special because it is 900 years since the inauguration of Lund Cathedral in 1123. Andrea managed to get us registered for 3 guided tours in…