Category: Uncategorized
Maybe this color scheme?
I really like my watch. Maybe a silver tank and tail with a peek of orange on the frame?
Protecting kids into ignorance
I thought this was an interesting article. In defense of dangerous toys indeed! There are some really good points made.
Holy crap – Drone Wars
This is how we’ll really all die. Yikes!
Interesting Read on SoLoMo
A surprising winner. Link.
Fun with a macro lens on the iPhone.
Southwest Patch article about Jen and her Pysanky!
Jen and Pysanky in the media!
The Rules Of Road Cycling
The Rules of road cycling: #5 – Harden the f#%k up. You’re welcome.
Morning perfection.
MSP Snow Madness
We had a really nice fall, and I was able to ride all the way to November 19th. When we came back from the Thanksgiving holiday, it was in the teens, and snowy. Two weeks ago, it just dumped snow – 20″ in a day and a half. It started on a Friday evening, and…