The Minnesota Noices

Tag: London2019

  • Jane

    On a day trip from London to basingstoke, we visited the site of Jane’s childhood home in Stephenton, and on to Chawton, where she lived with her mother and sister on her brother’s Estate, plus lots of other Austen locations of interest.

  • The making of Harry Potter

    Short journey outside of London…

  • Wicked

    Decided to see a show while waiting for the flat to cool down. It was amazing! We enjoyed some London nightlife and practiced our underground navigating skills.

  • London

    Found our cute London flat in Marlybone. Had lunch at a nearby pub and then CJ and I went on a mission to pick up an AC unit the owner had ordered for the flat. It was worth the trouble since temps were in the 90s! Hoping the rest of the week is cooler!